The Pet Psychic®

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Laura does not work lost animal cases. Laura speaks with alive and deceased animals and people.
Laura receives a high number of emails daily. The fastest way to get in touch with her is to book a session.

Fill out my online form.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you speak to animals that are passed?

Yes, Laura does this often.

Can you tell me if my animal will reincarnate? If so, can you help me find them?

Reincarnation is extremely complex.  Laura does not guarantee she can find a reincarnated animal, but she can explain how reincarnation works and teach you how to recognize the clues when reincarnation is set in motion.

Do you find lost animals?

No, Laura does not specialize in this service.

Will you call me? Do I need a Skype account?

Laura calls you at the time of the session. If you are in the US, she will call you on the number you write on the intake form. If you are out of the USA, you may need a Skype account.  Image is of Laura’s calling plan to see if you need a Skype account.

Can we facetime, talk with video or talk via WhatsApp?

No, this is distracting for Laura. Sessions are audio only. Laura does not have a way to record sessions using WhatsApp so she does not use it for sessions.

You ask for detailed information on your form. Why is this? Shouldn’t you know already?

Just because Laura is a psychic / animal communicator, it does not mean that she is “ALL KNOWING”. Although she wishes she was. Detailed information helps her receive specific / more detailed information about your situation. For instance if you want to know why your horse is acting out in the show ring. Ask, “Why is my horse spooking and bucking in the show ring.” Not, “What is my horse scared of?” and not even mention the show. Clear detailed communication is always better.

You ask for photos why is this?

Laura likes to think of the eyes of an individual as being their spiritual “phone number”. She prefers that photos are recent. You are welcome to send multiple photos.

How do you talk with animals and spirits when you are not with them?

Laura uses telepathy to speak with animals / spirits. Thoughts, images, and feelings get sent from the animal / spirit and then Laura’s mind transfers them into words. Telepathy works over space. Similar to thinking of someone and then hearing from them.

Is our session confidential?

Yes, the names of Laura’s clientele are confidential. In some forms, you have the option to give Laura permission to share your animal’s photo and quote on social media, her website, podcast, book, or article.  Laura loves to share about the animals she meets. She will change the animal’s and client’s name unless given permission.

Can you teach me how to speak with animals?

At this time, Laura is not offering this service.

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