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Serafina Is Better

serfina better











This is my cat Serafina. I am not sure how old she is. We estimate around 15 years old.

My cats have been on a raw food diet for 10 plus years. A month ago, I decided to “treat” them with some high quality grain free organic cat food. That night Serafina started to projectile vomit and have diarrhea. A week later she lost half her body weight (down to 4.5lbs), refused to move or eat, and was diagnosed with Pancreatitis. I was positive it was from a bacteria in the canned food so we put her on antibiotics. She had two different antibiotics over 14 days, sub-q fluids every other day, colostrum, canna pet, antacids, cerenia, chiropractic and of course all raw food.

It has now been one month since her diagnoses and she is feeling great! She is back to her energetic happy self. I will never feed canned food again.


Thank you Ohana Pet Hospital, Carpinteria Vet, chiro Steve Matzkin and vet tech Caroline Thompson, healer Bill Turner, and friend Swan Keller for making my kitty better! You are all awesome! Serafina is now up to 6lbs


Serafina says, “I want to tell everyone that when you don’t feel well don’t give up hope. You have to keep believing in yourself even if you feel like you want to die. My mom kept telling me I was going to feel better and I had to trust her even though I was not sure of it. I am enjoying life again. I was so happy to have our bunny Bean to keep me company. She really helped me feel better. She’s my good friend. Sometimes when you are sick you find out who your good friends are. I want everyone to believe in their health and their ability to live well. Be happy. It helps you to heal if you force yourself to do things you love, even if it is just sitting outside.”

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