
The Pet Psychic®

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*** Surf Posts 2020-04-28 to Now

Argon Needs Your Help * Watch Video

Argon was abandoned in Malibu Canyon, CA with zip ties around his muzzle and his neck. By accident, hikers came upon him and got him to safety. Argon is completely shut down and needs physical and emotional healing. He has been diagnosed with lymphoma, so more testing and treatment are under way. Argon’s pads are not torn or blistered, but his legs are swollen with edema, and his hind end is low. We want to give him the very best care available, no matter how long he has to live. Please watch the video and spread the world.

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This is Buttons.  She has since passed. Before she passed, she said about her person, “My mom is a kick dancer. It means that my mom will fight for me till the end… Mom, I want you all to remember me as a sassy explorer, not a pacer forgetter.”  When animals are old, blind, a bit deaf, and have a slight dementia, it’s very

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This is Mimi. She is 1.7 years old. She says, “Happiness is an attitude that you gain from structures in your life, like disciplines. I know if we don’t walk and sit around and if I don’t have my pretty collar on, I get a little disorganized in my thinking. But if Mom stimulates me

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