This is Spencer he is 6 years old. He says, “I was wondering if we could talk about walking. When I am outside sometimes I get overwhelmed, and I like it if mom just sits down with me while I watch everything. I don’t want to get lost.”
This is Spencer he is 6 years old. He says, “I was wondering if we could talk about walking. When I am outside sometimes I get overwhelmed, and I like it if mom just sits down with me while I watch everything. I don’t want to get lost.”
This is Stormy, myself, and my late wolf dog Maia in Feb 2010. Look how big and furry Stormy is! Stormy’s Words of Wisdom on Pet Psychic Radio episode 11-Sep-2014: “Old friends are still special in your heart even if you don’t see them for a long time. And it’s never too late to reconnect.
Do our animals reincarnate back to us? YES! This is Banjo. He died in July at 7 years old. He said from heaven, “I WANT TO TELL MY MOM THAT I MET A MAN IN HEAVEN THAT SAID HE NEEDED TO GIVE HIS DAUGHTER A VERY SPECIAL GIFT. HE SAID IT IS IMPORTANT THAT I