The Pet Psychic®

pet psychic

Are you too attached to your pet and if so what to do.

Laura Stinchfield – The Pet Psychic ® and Kim Klein Intuitive Counselor talk about the human animal bond. C
an humans become too attached to their animal?
Can a human’s attachment cause unhealthy emotional states?
Laura explains why dogs have leash aggression and how people are making their animals scared of the vet.
We also discuss:
Separation anxiety
Heart problems
Fear of Pet Sitters
and is our attachment interfering with our social life

Are you too attached to your pet and if so what to do. Read More »

The Pet Psychic: Animal Zone S7 E1 Lilly The Rescued Pit Bull Mix From Stray to Spoiled – The Pet Psychic

On This Episode of Animal Zone Laura Stinchfield The Pet Psychic talks to a rescue dog named Lilly. She talks to us about why she had a swollen head when she showed up at her rescuers house and what Lilly misses about her old life. Formally stray dog gone spoiled.

The Pet Psychic: Animal Zone S7 E1 Lilly The Rescued Pit Bull Mix From Stray to Spoiled – The Pet Psychic Read More »