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Acee & Rico’s Thoughts

This is Acee and Rico.  Acee lives in Florida and Rico lives in PA with Acee’s person’s parents.  They spent a lot of time together in PA. Then Aceee and her person had to go back home to Florida.


We talked to the two dogs to see how they were doing being apart.  


Acee says,

“Do you know what it is like to live where I am? It’s awesome here. I like being home.  Yeah, it’s a great place, but I miss Rico. I think he can come and visit.  I feel he misses me a lot and my mom too, but he loves his life also.  I want to show him where I live.”


Rico says,

“When I go to sleep a night, I try my hardest to talk to Acee. Sometimes she is snoring too loud, and I can’t get her.


Hello Acee. Can you come play with me?  I miss her. Where is she?  It’s been too long.  Can my mom and dad take me to see her?


I have fun with my mom and dad. They are happy people.  I just miss Acee.”


They are so cute that they have become such good friends.  Acee lives a more social life, so she misses Rico less than he misses her.  I love how he is trying to speak to her before he goes to bed at night. 

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