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Andrew ~ Testimonial


This is Andrew.

He was 16 years old back in 2016.  He lost his Australian Shepherd brother Rusty 5 months before our session.

He said to me back then ,

“Well I have been really happy since Rusty left without me because it has given me time to get extra spoiled sometimes I don’t need to be picked up but I love it cause they are so funny. they talk about how much I weigh and how solid I am and they say they love me and so I am enjoying it. sometimes I can walk fine but I pretend I cant.

but sometimes I do have problems and I cant walk and its scary. sometimes I get this problem where my eyes twitch and then I cant move and I don’t know what is happening. Its like my brain works but my body doesn’t. Its like I go paralyzed cause my tongue feels bad too. its swells up like a balloon. Yeah. It feels like I am twisted in the neck and that is why nothing can work and the back of my head gets a headache.

I need to tell you something else. When I am like that save me. don’t kill me. save me dammit.

I know that heaven is going to be just fine but I can tell you this. I am not ready this year or the next. Its not going to change. Its not going to change.”

His person writes after the session:

All my 3 dogs had a chance to speak to me through Laura and it was enlightening and funny. It’s funny because the type of barks and sounds my dogs make really do characterize their personalities, like Andrew. The things he said were hilarious and demanding too.

Thank you Laura, I took him to the vet sans the blood work. Generally he’s in good shape for an old friend but does have a mild heart murmur. It speaks to his symptoms very well, I think. I am now observing closely so to not tire him when we walk at the beach…
I also changed their food right away. Boy, does he love steamed broccoli, yams and zukes! Origen Red dog food is awesome. I see his skin is clearing up already, oh my! They love it even as a treat.

A one hour session was not long enough for all 3 kids. So much more to ask about! I know Denise will be calling you soon. We had a delightful time with you, thank you so much again, Laura XOXOX


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2 thoughts on “Andrew ~ Testimonial”

  1. hi,
    regarding Andrew the dog whose neck feels twisted and he gets a headache, maybe an animal chiropractor could address this? I have seen great improvement in all my pets after an adjustment by the animal chiropractor, freer movement, better sleep and generally calmer and happier
    with best wishes,

    1. Hi Mandy! Thank you for your insight! I so agree. I recommend an animal chiropractor adjustment all the time! I am sure I suggested it. Many blessings! Thank you for your care and your concern.

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