This is Frank Allan the farm manager at Animal Acres. I was so impressed with the way he loved and cared for the animals. He was also very open to listening to what the animals had to say and if he could help them he did immediately. Some ewes wanted buckets of water. It was done ASAP. Another goat wanted B12 shots to feel better…Done immediately. All the staff and volunteers were amazing people. Such a pleasure to spend time with them all.
I believe the sheep that Frank is with in this picture is the sheep that said to me, “I want to be their spokes sheep. Can I be on one of their postcards?”
Annabel is a volunteer at Animal Acres and the photographer of all these shots. She also wrote this about Oliver on her facebook page. “Laura the Pet Psychic asked him how he was and he said he is not feeling great and he wants some greens and the shot again! It was a B vit shot, so Frank (the guy in charge) got him one! Greens are coming… AlsoI asked her to ask Oliver if he saw peoples energy and he said he did…he saw a flower around my head and lots of sparkles around my hips??!!!;o) Ha… I told her to tell him that I felt blessed to be around him and he asked if I would be there when he died….:o( Of course I said, but that that would be a long way away…”
This is Honky Tonk. He lives in very large pasture with other donkeys, some cows, and a bull. He said, “I am bored. Can I pull a cart?”. Frank was very concerned about him and asked me to explain to Honky Tonk that at Animal Acres they do not expose animals in such a way. That they teach love and respect for animals. Honky Tonk answered, “Can you bring me down to see people more and when I go I would like to be bathed really nice and have a ribbon around my neck.” Frank promised him that he would take him to see the visitors more often and that he would put a Animal Acres banner around his neck. Honky Tonk is excited.
This is Mr. Ed. I was a little nervous going over to talk to Mr. Ed because Frank just told me a story about how because Mr. Ed was abused so much that when ever Frank needs to take him into the stable to be worked on Mr. Ed goes after him. Though Mr. Ed lets visitors pet his back. I asked Mr. Ed what he thought of Frank and he said, “I love Frank, but sometimes I want to be aggressive to him but I really do care about him.” Frank asked me to tell Mr. Ed that he never is going to hurt him and that he needs to be doctored sometimes. Mr. Ed said “At the place I lived before they would rope me and I would scratch my eyes on the dirt. They would hurt me.” Frank assured him that would never happen again and Mr. Ed allowed Frank to touch his head for the first time. I thought Frank was a believer in my work the whole time, but he said this was the moment that he truly believed. I believe Frank can hear them too.
We also asked Mr. Ed if he knew what his hump was for and he replied, “It gives the front part of my body more strength.”
Buffy the Goose is the Goose that leaped over a hedge to bite me. It was totally my fault because I sometimes I give animals too much eye contact when I talk to them. It took me about 15 min. till she would listen to me. I was a bit scared of her considering she made a good dent in my side. She was upset because she said woman would sometimes kick her at her old place and she was upset that Frank took away her eggs because she wanted to have babies. She said having babies gave her the most joy. Frank asked me to explain to her that they can not have babies born at Animal Acres because they must keep the room open for rescues but we told her if a baby goose comes in she can take care of it. Slowly throughout my visit Buffy got less aggressive. I hope that it sticks! She asked, “Can I have a pool of water in the sun. I don’t like it in the shade.” Frank made it happen and here she is happy in her pool.
This is Buffy the Goose that took forever to like me and Shawn an awesome camera man! Buffy fell madly in love with Shawn from the very beginning! As you can see they are very good friends & are both posing for the picture.
This Duck came up to me in the very beginning and told me that he wanted to be best friends with Buffy the Goose. I was then told they hang out together. This duck is an amazing little creature. He is an odd looking guy that wags his tail feathers like and excited dog. I had never seen anything like it. I apologize for not knowing his name.
I don’t know the name of this pig. So sorry! This is my friend Ai who is wonderful getting shots up close of the animals and is a brilliant editor of all our footage.