Storm King (Aussie Dog): Love means light energy flowing from your heart to anyone you look at or communicate with.

Joey (Cat): Love means being able to sense when someone is worried and upset and being in their presence so that they feel like they have a friend nearby.

Bean (Bunny): Love means when you need someone to do something you ask them gently and calmly instead of scaring them or forcing them into action.
Shelley (Sheep): Love means someone supporting your will to live even if they think you may die.

Seamore (Parrot): Love is letting someone go when you know you are not the best for them.

Z (Zebra): Love is nature. Love is the warmth of the sun after a hard rain.
Jezzie (Pig): Love is someone helping you to see when you are blind.
Reilly (Horse): Love is someone speaking in your best interest when you cannot speak for yourself.

Makia (Cat): Love is privacy and alone time to mediate and be yourself. Love is what one must find inside of themselves in order to live happily with others.

Serafina (cat): Love is finding ways to turn fear into courage. Love is when my mom kisses my head and tells me I am beautiful and it is the way one tends to the flowers. Love is also the way the birds look at my mom after she has filled the feeders.

Mr. Squirrelly: Love is remembering someone everyday even after they have been dead along time. Love is being thankful for what your body can sense: like the feel of a healthy oak tree or a hawk on its way. Love is breath. Love is enjoying playing with the younger ones even though your body feels stiff.
Maia (Wolf-Dog): Love is wanting to live with your family even though you know heaven is best for you. Love is wanting to protect your territory and do your job no matter how you are feeling. Love is family. Love is being faithful and present to the ones you love. Love is increased when one forgives themselves and others.
That is so amazing! Thank you for sharing!
love is when you think of that person it brings a smile
Love to Bean from my bunnies – so bright & beautiful