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Bishop talks about his old life


Bishop says, “I had a teenage boy who lived with his friends in the beginning.  They did a lot of wrestling and a lot of lying on me.  I did have dog friends before but some fights.  I have been in a shelter a long time and it is because my brother and i chewed a lot.  But I dont chew anymore. I don’t need to.  My old people spanked me a lot and jerked me too.  They were loud and not understanding.  This new mom is very understanding.  She is more patient with me.  I like the way she looks at me and talks to me in her head.”

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2 thoughts on “Bishop talks about his old life”

  1. Bishop is my sister’s new pup – I am happy that he had the chance to talk to his mom with Laura. I know that he’ll be a good boy once he gets used to his home and is comfortable, safe and happy there. He is a beautiful boy.

  2. Bless you for giving beautiful Bishop a safe forever home and a good family to love. I am glad that you were able to learn about his past, it helps to provide understanding and support when he struggles to adjust to his new life. Sometimes all they have known is dishonest humans and they quickly learn who has integrity. It is afterall about loving someone who loves you back!

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