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Prayers for Blew

Blew photos

DIFFICULT NEWS ABOUT OUR PRECIOUS BLEW from founder of All For Love Animal Rescue. Scroll down to read what Blew has to say.

Dear friends,
Many of you know and love Blew. Now Blew needs your love and prayers more than ever.
Over the last 4 years that AFLAR has been caring for him he has become the heart of our rescue. Blew had a hard life until AFLAR took him in.

From the day I rescued him after years of mistreatment I promised I would always take care of him. With the help of some amazing angels in the form of volunteers, donors, doctors and everyone who has fallen in love with this very special boy, this is what our rescue has done. Through mast cell and skin cancer we kept him healthy.

This last year Blew’s biggest dream came true when he finally was able to come home to live with his soul momma Debi, who fell in love with him 3 years ago. All of us were beyond elated that our boy was finally home.

It is with a very heavy heart that we must share the devastating medical news about our precious Blew. He has been experiencing some physical issues that we have been addressing during the last few months. Fatigue, weight loss and weakness. He was treated for low thyroid which helped a little.

Then his mama Debi alerted us that he had collapsed twice. We quickly got him to Dr, Russell, an amazing cardiologist at VMSG, where he was given an echo cardiogram which showed pretty severe heart damage, as well as congenital heart disease. He was also experiencing arrhythmia and tachycardia. He was put on medication to control the arrhythmia, and that was working well and his cardiologist was pleased. We thought we were on the path to a healthier and happier life for our Bubby.
But the lack of energy, diarrhea and weight loss continued. Dr Russell felt our next best course of action given his history of cancer, was an abdominal ultrasound. We scheduled that with Dr. Ortega at VMSG, and the news was not good. Blew has two large masses on his adrenal glands, one of which has already invaded the vena cava. This means it is most likely malignant and has probably shed cancer cells to the rest of his body, since that vein supplies blood to lungs, heart, and brain. We were stunned to say the least. Because of his heart condition, he is not a good candidate for surgery to remove the adrenal masses as he would most likely not make it through that surgery.

We have been struggling with what we can do for our precious Blew. We turned to renowned Pet Psychic and Animal Communicator, Laura Stinchfield so we could hear what Blew had to say. His words from that conversation are below. He confirmed what we all felt, that surgery is not the avenue we will go down. We will do all we can to make what time this angel-boy has left, the happiest, most loving, and pain free time for him, surrounding him with love of friends and family until he tells us it is his time. We don’t know how long that will be, there is no way to tell.

We ask that you send our Blew-Bear all your loving prayers, surround him with healing light, and help his mama Debi and all of us who love him, through this unbelievably difficult time.

We ask ourselves, how will we get through this? I will quote our volunteer coordinator, and my partner in rescue, Kathleen, in answer to this. “We will do what we always have to do; treasure the moment, fight to the last, let go when we have to, honor our lost loved ones by grieving, and live our lives in service and kindness, and love the best we can”.

We will continue to do everything we can for our precious Blew. Please keep him in your prayers, and know that he loves each and every one of you.


Maripat Davis
AFLAR President & Founder

Excerpts from BLEW’S interview with Laura:

I want to tell my mom that its ok if I die now. because I have had a really special time with her and I have seen her fight for me and I have seen her sad over loosing me and that makes me feel special and I feel like i got what I needed in life.

When I breathe in it really hurts. Well its like my chest is less. Yeah its like I cant breathe in as much air as I used to be able too and also I have this problem of when I am walking my back really hurts. yeah my spine and sometimes I get really dizzy and I feel like I need to stop moving.

yeah. I want to live and be happy but I feel like I am not going to.

I dont feel like I will live a lot longer because inside of me I feel really tired. I feel like love is what I needed to know and now I can go to heaven.

I dont want help going to heaven now but I know in time I will need it and I know that I will soar really high because I can feel love and love is what makes you soar. I am not dumb. I know that dogs die. yeah I have known dogs to die before so I know how it works and if you dont feel love you feel lost or trapped but if you have felt love you soar really high.

I feel like I am not meant to be frail and old. I feel like I am meant to go soon.

I am thankful for my life and I am thankful that my mom has always kept track of me and has always known what is going on. I want her to know that its okay she wasn’t able to take me years ago. I am glad she took me when she did and I have had good experiences over the years. I am okay with my life path.

I like the idea of coming back to my mom again in another but only if she can have me from a puppy. I dont mind waiting in heaven because i have learned so much in life I know that my heaven will be filled with play time, love and good food. I know that a lot of people who have loved animals before have died and I am sure they will love me because since I have been in this rescue I have met a lot of people that care about animals and care about me and I know that this animal rescue has angels and I know that there is one family here and another family in heaven.

I think my mom will know when I need help because I will give her a sad look that tells her and an angel will hug her at the same time. It will be OK. I will be brave.

I want my mom to know that I love her kisses on my face. and the way she moves her nails in a zig zag down spine and her smiling at me. she loves to smile at me.

thank you mom for being my best mom ever. I love you.

I am just grateful and If I can feel better great. If not my mom will know.

tell her I love her. Such a wide graceful love. tell her that.

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1 thought on “Prayers for Blew”

  1. Laurentia McIntosh

    I come to this post three weeks late. I’m so sorry Blew’s time on this earth is short. Sooo glad he got to have his mom – got to know the feeling of pure love. I wonder if Blew has moved on in spirit or is still earthbound. Laura, your gift is so amazing – you make a difference in the lives of animals and humans every single day. Blessings!

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