A couple of months ago, Boogie died of Cancer. Tonight I will be attending his Tribute Party. I will keep you posted.
Last night I got to meet Boogies canine mom, brother and friend. Boogies brother told me that his mom, Maggie, told him not to worry she would out live everyone. She did not want him to have to worry about her dying as well.
Boogie had a a lot of human friends at the party and I found myself amazed at the amount of love that is generated by the canine spirit. Friends come to together to morn and to celebrate the life of an animal. Life that seems to be too short here on earth.
We quetion why the animals have to suffer and I feel blessed that I can connect to them in the afterlife. Because if I did not have my converstations with them the sadness of the ending of their lives would be too much for me to handle. I feel people’s emptiness and I want them to experience everything that I experience when I sense the animals just outside our realm. I felt Boogie running around the party with his his canine friends and jumping over the bodies that sat on the floor watching his tribute video. He was there with us. I felt him as if he was in earthly form. Big and Bold as I imgine him in the prime of his life.
May Boogie’s spirit soar and his friends and family sense him everytime her arrives in their presence.