The Pet Psychic®

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This is Brandi. She was rescued, loved, and then passed away at five years old. She got loose, ran, and was hit by a truck. She says from Heaven, “I want my mom and dad to know that every day that I was at their house I felt love. The way they pet me was firm and loving. They would hug me tight and really give me affection and that meant the world to me. I had a great nose. I loved to smell. I love to go places so when I went out it wasn’t to find anyone it was just to explore and run. My body loved to move. and that day that I died I felt a great sorrow that I left them because they gave me so much more love than I ever had before. In Heaven, I was met by this grandpa man and this man is with me a lot in heaven. He is a big man and he has a mustache. Sometimes he wears a hat. He is common sense smart and we go for walks but he also plays with me and teaches me things and he says that there are times when you don’t know what to do and when you are in that situation it’s important to wait it out. Don’t do anything. Don’t say anything. Just wait it out and then the path will unfold. He is saying that to my dad. Sometimes we drive around in a truck together and he has a great laugh. When we are driving, he plays the radio, and my mom is singing on the radio. yeah, that is what happens. When I came home to my mom and dad’s at first I didn’t know what to feel with all the attention and then I just fell into all the love and the house became my fun place. I learned how to have fun there and I learned how to truly listen. I did hear them tell me that I needed to stay home but I didn’t listen to that.I know that you miss me, and I often think about what it would be like to come back as a puppy that has that drive to just stay around you. I have thought about that a lot. It would have to be a situation where they didn’t mind if I carried around sticks. That would have to happen. The other thing is I hear them talking with me and I wonder if they hear me because sometimes I try to make noises in the house and this huffing noise. I try to do that and also sometimes I shine the light in the window, and I have sat with them in the cars in the passenger side and just relaxed there as we are driving. I do that a lot. I did not suffer. no, I didn’t suffer. I felt this dreamy reality where I was in the trees looking down at myself and I was like a bird in a tree. Sometimes I was like, ‘oh my goodness. what happened’ and then I felt this pulling feeling and that man came. You know what you have to tell them I love them more than anything in the world. I love them.”

Laura’s note:  I find great comfort when I hear how much animals have been loved in their life.  Knowing love like this makes it easier for our animals to ascend to the highest levels of Heaven.  Brandi’s family gave her a great gift.  Oftentimes our animals meet people on the other side. These people are often friends or ancestors of ours.  These people try to relay guidance through our animals.  
It’s important that if something like this comes through in a session that one takes the time to think about its meaning. 

Testimonial from Bradi’s person: Having this session with Laura and my fur-Angel Brandi was so important to me. It helped me so much to know that Brandi did not suffer when she died, and that she is so full of love for us. I thought she tried to get away from us because she didn’t like us or wanted to go back to where she was rescued from, but knowing that she was just wanting to go smell different areas and not trying to get away from us really helped my heart! This is such a precious gift that Laura has, and to use it to help those of us who have such trouble coping with the loss of our loved ones/pets is such a blessing. I can’t wait to have our next session with our other fur babies-so far we have had two sessions with three pets, and it is an awesome experience!

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