Smile. Stormy’s Words of Wisdom
Smile. Stormy’s Words of Wisdom Read More »
This is my girl Ella. I asked her from some words of wisdom and this is what she said “If you ever get nervous, take a break, and think it over.”Ella is very good at this. If she hears the dogs parking or some rowdy wildlife outside, she may go under the bed or into
This is my girl Easter. She says, “If you talk to the animals they will try harder to understand you.” This is wise practically advice. It’s true. The more you try to talk with your animals the more they will slow down and try to listen and understand you. So try it! The more you
This is Tomas. He was a stray. Here he talks about his life. He says, “When I was younger there were a bunch of kids that used to play with me, hold me, drag me around everywhere. They still live down the street. I enjoyed them, but I so love the calmness of this house.
This is Dolly. She is 6 years old. She says, “I love it when my mom does focused dreaming. It’s when my mom focuses her attention on what she wants in her life. I want to do it for something I can lie on outside where I can see far… I want my mom to
• Felix – Easter – Hudson • Throw back to Ojai when I lived in a smaller house and the dogs would ALWAYS lie together. Easter and Hudson loved each-other from the moment they found each other.
Felix – Easter – Hudson Read More »
I am sitting outside. My friend asked me via Instagram to check in with her cat. Her cat told me he was having some trouble peeing. I looked over at Luca and this is what I saw 😊. I asked him what he was doing and he said, “I am meditating on helping all animals
I was talking with my sister about old report cards and what some teachers said about me. The teachers I loved said really positive things and the teachers I didn’t like had not so nice things to say about me. When I got off the phone with my sister, Luca says to me, “I am
Sharing vegan sushi with Seamora. She says,”It’s better than I thought.” Though more than half of it ended up on my lap!
Easter says, “Being on your back on the earth and smelling the grass is a perfect feeling. Be yourself and just do it.” Wonderful words of wisdom from Easter a.k.a Eastie Beastie.