Chirpito is very sick. He has tumors in this throat. His person has to tube feed him several times a day. He is always drooling saliva. I was called to ask him how he is feeling and if he wanted help dying. Usually when an animal is very sick I try to explain the dying process and what I know about the other side. I explain that what gives us our life force is a force of its own. And when our bodies get sick, our souls can leave the body and live on. I explain that there is a pulling sensation during death of the body.
Chirpito asked me, “How do I get to heaven? How does my soul let go of my body? Where is my soul attached to my body? Will I know how to let go when the time comes?”
a emailwritten and lost it. this ismy first one ever. Iam desperate to talk to my pig. hadhersinca she was about 6 weeks old and 5lbs. Bottle fed her and can tell you so much. Shehas helped raise almost 60,000.00 dollars for diabetes and more. shes been my friend for14 years. Ithink shes close to crossing over her health isnt perfecr and she is under a vets care. I want help to talk to her. I want her to not be afraid and for me to be able to know how much i love and will miss her, almost to follow her.i HAVE no one to ask for help.PLEASEHELP I am using my husbands email dont have mine up yet. Is there anyone who will help me talk to my Root?I am concerned her time is near. can anyone help and prove my girl can talk to me?? Desperate in Oregon