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Davy Jones

This is Davy Jones.  He is 9 years old.
He says,

” …also want to tell my mom that I think that she should know that we have a love fest. It means that our life is so great. I think I am her favorite dog ever. I feel like my mom and I not only understand each-other but have been together before. Yeah I remember being more black and her like giving me massages and being a little bigger dog.”

His person writes: 

From the day I adopted Davy Jones from the local animal pound, I felt like I was literally “in love” with him. It sort of felt weird at first, like why is my dog hypnotizing me?? (LOL). I felt like I had known him before. Laura had no way of knowing this, and when When Davy Jones told Laura that we have a “love fest”, my mind was reeling. That is exactly the way I would have described my relationship with my former dog, Beau, and I used to give Beau rub downs when he was older and a bit arthritic, and he was bigger, and had more black on him. Beau was a Chow Chow x Rottweiler, Davy Jones is a Dachshund. I have often said that if I got Davy’s DNA done, it would return half Rottie! LOL! Laura was fun, informative, and gave me information that she could not have known in advance, and also gave me some great ideas on how to work with both of my dogs to overcome some of the issues we need to work through regarding their int eractions with other dogs. Both of my dogs are rescues, and she was able to convey their personalities, I feel, very accurately. Laura is definitely tapped in to the animal world! 
(photo is (c) Johnny Ortez-Tibbels)

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