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Stormy (aka Storm King) is my 14.5-year-old Australian Shepherd. He was born under a deck in New Paltz, New York. I picked him out when he was two days old so that he could keep all his body parts. His nine litter mates had their tails docked that day. As a result of being pain free, Stormy was the first one to wander away from the litter and the first one to bark. He is a black Bi-Aussie meaning he is black and white. He has a black body with a white chest and adorable white paws. I have heard thousands of times from children and adults, “Oh my he looks a bear.” In fact, he looks so much like a bear that even bears get confused. One evening I stopped on the side of highway 150 to let the dogs out to pee. All of a sudden I heard a deep rumbling roar. It was close. Adrenaline rushed through me. We are in danger. I scanned the darkness. Stormy appeared dashing out of the trees in a panic, “Mom help! Quick get us in the car. That bear thinks I am a bear.”

Stormy best dog ever

He has been a source of protection and comfort in all aspects of life. When I lived alone, went through a divorce, traveled across the country, got stalked by a mountain lion, and watched some of my animal companions and best human friends get sick and die. He also waited for me the beach as I surfed for hours, hiked deep in the forest with my wolf hybrid, he knows a countless number of tricks, had his picture on leanin tree greeting card, and has accompanied me just about everywhere I have gone.

He will offer advice to anyone who will take it. He has convinced teenagers to stop stealing and smoking weed, he has told random people that their loved ones in heaven are standing beside them, he has even predicted the future telling people when they will get a job and what they need to do to succeed. He has wowed and amazed people. He often gets fan mail and thank you notes for his wise insights. On our weekly Pet Psychic blogtalk radio show people have commented that Stormy’s words of wisdom is their favorite segment.

One of Stormy’s fans writes:

Hi Laura,

It’s been awhile since we talked. The cats miss you! I was reading your blog and was struck so profoundly by Stormy’s quote below. Please thank him and all of your animals for sharing their wisdom with us.

Whenever I am going through a difficult time I have taken to reading yours and others blog to hear from the animals. It always grounds me and gets me out of my head. Thank you, too, for what you do to allow us to hear their wisdom.

In love and light, C. L.

Stormy says now, “It is important to see yourself as a light. The brighter you express your light, the more beings are affected by your radiance. If you feel dark, shelter yourself. It only takes a few moments to rest and allow the light to radiate again. Everyone has light in them. Some people ignore it. Be the light.”

So why not a “Dear Stormy” column? Sue S. would like to know Dear Stormy, how do you stay so sweet & loving in a world that — isn’t?

Dear Sue,

It is important to find your truest nature and live that no matter what else is going on around you. I think it is hard for people to not only love themselves but also for them to realize it is ok to enjoy life. Once people give themselves the gift of allowing themselves to spend real time doing the things they love, they begin to become sweet and loving to themselves and towards others.

When you start to feel ugly inside you probably need to rest, or get something important done, or go do something fun for yourself.

You’ll find that when you enjoy life and love yourself you will want to relieve other peoples’ suffering but you don’t become attached to their suffering because it feels so good to enjoy life. So when you find yourself hectic and ugly, breathe and make a conscious decision to live another way. Being happy is the only true way to go through life.

Love, Stormy.

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1 thought on “DEAR STORMY”

  1. Wow, Stormy! I definitely want to find the Leaning Tree cards with you on them. I’ll be in touch soon asking for your advice on how to get bunnies and herding dogs like Shetland Sheepdogs (and Aussies like yourself) to live safely & happily in the same house.

    Lots of Love – Gloria M.

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