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Deuce’s Thoughts

This is Deuce. He is nine months old. Deuce and his person cured him of FIP! Deuce says,


“I am thankful that I am healed from all past diseases. This is due to my mom and her healing. One time I was very tired, and I felt snotty and gross.  Now I have rocket ship energy.


Research the supplement Mutian for more information.


At the very end of the session, his mom (person) wanted me to mention that his dad would like him to snuggle more with him.  He replied,


“You can tell my dad this. I love you, but I am a bit scared of the noises you make when you are sleeping.  Sometimes when you fall asleep on the couch, you make them. I don’t know what to think of that.”

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2 thoughts on “Deuce’s Thoughts”

  1. Hi Laura

    First off, Blessings your way for all you do for the furry friends.

    I got a chuckle from Hudsons remark about the trees protecting us.
    Spirit has reminded me recently to ask the trees around my property for their protection.

    I did, and one of the larger trees asked me to clear the grasses around him so he could breath better.

    We take care of each other.

  2. Stephanie McCurry

    Hahaha!! What a funny little dude you are!! And I am so so glad you have rocket ship energy now!! You are so very handsome!!

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