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Diary 9/1/09

Realized today that perhaps the reason I only sleep five hours a night is because I have not run all summer. So right now I am waiting on a friend and perhaps her dog to go on a evening jog through the orange groves. Our regular five mile run will probably be a huffing walk / run but perhaps I will surprise myself. Need to be able to call myself a runner again. It is my only non animal related activity besides surfing.

To recap my day. I apologize I have been lazy with my camera:

Allegra, my little 8 month old Visla (dog) student, wanted to know if toddlers are dogs with four legs. When I told her that they grow up to be grown up people Allegra wanted to know why dogs don’t grow that tall.

Molly a 13 year old Husky Mix wanted to know if I could drive her to heaven. When I told her it didn’t work that way she kept trying to convince me that we must be able to take the car there and I must accompany her. I was trying to tell her that heaven is just on the other side of a breath or on a different dimension and she said, “Sometimes when I look at the rays that the sun makes I see other worlds. Is that heaven?”

Her brother Zanzen told me sometimes when he starts to run he forgets to stop and runs very far away. Which is true. He can be very naughty and hard to find sometimes.

Beau, a Cavalier King Charles, asked me to come and see him everyday because it is the best part of his families month. Gypsy the other dog in the house, a manchester terrier mix, told me, “I can sneak out of the yard, spy on the neighbor’s dogs, sniff around and sneak back into the house with out my people knowing” I know exactly where she does it. It is behind the house where the chain link rapes around an ash tree leaving a hole at the base of the tree just big enough for Gypsy to sneak through.

Luna, the cat, told me that her mom should not eat anything out of a paper bag because it makes her heart race and stop. She is refering to the prepared meals that arrive at the door. Sometimes the humans can not tell what the meal actually is.

Stella, the cat, told me that the reason she has not been going out side is her friend (a neighbors cat) had seen a two coyotes shred a cat and eat it, this has scared Stella so much that she would sleep under the bed at night to stay safe. She is now venturing out a bit but is very cautious.

Buckaroo a Papion (sp?) asked me at the end of our session, “Are you a payed friend?”

Off for a run 🙂

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