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DIARY: Brief notes of some of my week



My friend sent me this picture that he took of Maia and Stormy on one of our hikes in the mountains.  Thank you Jeff!

Monday:  My Rooster friend dies.  My Bengal Cat Friend Ben roams the neighborhood and comes back severely wounded.

Tuesday:  Ben’s people take him to the vet  The vet wants to send him home with antibiotics my client insists on xrays. Xrays reveal two led bullets in Ben’s leg.  They operate and send him home without painkillers.  I go talk to Ben.  He is in so much pain he doesnt want to be touched anywhere.  I say, “What happened?”   Ben says, “I got shot in the leg because I was climbing the neighbors screen door, because there was another cat in there.” I told him he should not have been doing that.  He says, “It wasn’t the first time.” My client calls the police to file an animal cruelty report.  A police officer says, “It’s just a cat.”


A cavalier says, “I love my mom as much as when the first bud of a flower blooms.”

The Spaniel in the house tries to top that, “I love my mom more than food when I am hungry.”


A dog that has been biting his person and breaking the skin says, “I dont remember biting that badly.  I would never want to hurt him.  I dont know if there is something wrong with my brain.  The only way I know I did it is because I keep seeing it over and over in my person’s head.” He also says, “The tall skinning guy that works at our store is stealing money and putting it in his pocket.”



A Sheltie says, “I eat underwear and socks because they smell good.”


I speak to a dog that is feeling really sick with respiratory problems.  His person films the session so that she can have it for later. (this is a sad and some parts beautiful story and can not write it now)  Thursday the dog dies.  I am really sad about this.


I speak to a baby lamb that can not walk.  She says, “How do you do it?  I can’t remember”


An all white  bunny that survived the last Santa Barbara Fire says, “I lived in a barn.  It burned down.  My friend died from all the smoke.  I was scared.  There were flames and trees falling everywhere.  I car was driving by me and all of a sudden a woman got out of the car and picked my by the neck and threw me into the car.  There was a dog in the car and cat in the carrier.  Then she took me to the shelter and I found a new home.”



A cat says in Renal failure answers her persons question of “Are you going to die?”  She says, “Arn’t we all going to die?” Her persons asks do you think about dying.  The cat says, “I am not going to think about dying until the moment of my death.”

Another cats says, “My mom should dance.  She should definitely dance.” Do you dance I asked the wife and the husband chimed in, “I have been telling her she needs to dance.  I never see her so happy as when she is dancing.  I just told her to make time for dancing the other day.”  That cat also said that, “I left my old home because my family had to sell our nice cars and my family was sad and then my dad left my mom and then my mom left me with the cleaning lady and I didn’t want to stay there anymore because it was strange.  So I came to this new home.”


A medium size rescue dog says about one of his people, “Is it possible we were fish together once.  Because every time I see him I see a dolphin and think I am a dolphin too.”

A Yorki keeps talking about a fountain and a happy place he went with his person.  The person has not found it yet.



I went to go see a sick horse.  He was running from me because he was scared I was going to give him a shot.  I asked the person to go get a halter so we could calm him.  While I waited and the horse ran, I started to think of someone who hurt my feelings.  All of a sudden the horse stopped and I was able to walk up to him.  I put my arms around him and kissed him because he looked so sweet and sick.  He said, “I am sorry I hurt your feelings” I had to explain to him that it was a person not him that hurt my feelings.  He was also scared he was going to die.  He went to the specialist after he saw me.

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