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Getting Over Pain

Getting Over Pain

First published in the

Santa Barbara News-Press



Over the course of the last few months, animals of our area and beyond have been asking me about the fires and the mudslide.  A common theme are questions about being buried.  Who, when, how, what does that mean? And also, about all the helicopters in the sky. Reading them over they made me depressed.  So instead of listing them here, I have asked my animals what their advice is to deal with the trauma.  My animals lived through the fire and have been with me when I have spoken to people and animals that experienced the mudslide firsthand.  Jubilee was evacuated while the fire was closing in on the ranch.

Luca my 7-year-old poodle says, “I spoke to a dog at doggy day care (in SB) whose dog friend was buried in mud. He told me his friend came to him in a dream. His friend said he was only scared for a moment when his house crumbled.  He said the sky was filled with angels of all species. They guided the dead to Heaven.   I have learned that when something bad happens there are always angels making it easy on your soul. I trust in that.”


Easter 3-year-old Chihuahua mix says, “I say play with your animals and you both will feel better. I do this all the time.”





Felix 5-year-old Chihuahua mix, “When I have memories of bad times, I force myself to think about all my friends who love me and all the fun things I do. Then the monsters in my head don’t seem so choking.”




Clyde 3-year-old Flemish Giant Rabbit says, “I find going out in the yard to dig is the best way to deal with trauma. Some people are helping to find important things in the mud.  I think that is awesome.”




Ella says, “Talk with your animals about what happened so they understand it.  When I am confused, I get more stressed. Before this mom, I peed around the house when I was stressed. Now I understand, and I pee in the box. If your animals are being naughty, talk with them.”



Seamora 26-year-old Blue and Gold Macaw says, “I had to go to Menagerie bird store during the fire evacuations. I was in awe at the amount of people who got strong and cared to help.  Pay attention to the strength inside of you and others. Be in awe of yourself.”



Jubilee 7-year-old Warmblood/Appy mare says, “I fight when I go through trauma. I fight hard but sometimes I fight too much and that messes me up.  I am working towards trusting others to help me.”




Hudson 3-year-old white German Shepherd says, “I think the best thing people can do when they are going through trauma is help others. Many people suffer.  It helps to be useful.  Know yourself and your thoughts and send love to the world around you.  See beauty where ever you look. Life is all in your attitude.”

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4 thoughts on “Getting Over Pain”

  1. Kimberlee Taylor

    I really appreciate your newsletters.

    I love hearing the wise things that animals say. It helps me to be better with my cats & horses & snake.

    Thank you, Laura.

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