This is a great one!
Very unexpected!
Turned a skeptic into a believer.
Laura Stinchfield is an internationally renowned pet psychic and people medium. For decades she has studied animal behavior and training, animal communication, telepathy, mediumship, death and dying, the afterlife, reincarnation, personal growth, meditation and consciousness. Laura is the voice for anyone who cannot speak for themselves.
Barnes and Leslie talk to her about how she discovered her gift before Leslie gets a chance to communicate with her dog, Bo, through Laura. That conversation uncovers something bigger that’s going on with Leslie, which even prompts a call from her husband, Lanny.
For more on Laura, check out
The Morning X with Barnes and Leslie – Listen live weekdays 6-10 am Eastern on 99X Atlanta (100.5 on the FM dial in Atlanta), at, or in the 99X app. The show is a mix of new shows along with “Best of The Morning X” which will be on-demand via this podcast the same day after it airs on 99X. The Morning X originated in 1994 with Barnes, Leslie, and Jimmy.