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Happy Valentine’s Day – Animals Thoughts On What Is Love

In honor of the month of love, I ask my animals,

“What is love?”



Ella my 5-year-old cat says, “Love is finding your purpose after you have been hurt.  Love is comfortable bedding and playing every day. Love is the space within you and around you that creates amazing things in your life.   Love is my life. I am love.”




Luca my 8-year-old poodle says, “Love is a wonderful feeling that allows you to be happy when there are difficult things happening.  It’s like sunshine all the time.  It is also what you have for yourself.”




Felix my 8-year-old chihuahua mix says, “Love is a mystery that flows through all things.  It is what brings rescue animals to their people and wild animals to safety during a fire.  It is a spirit rising within you.”




Easter my 5-year-old chihuahua says, “Love are cuddles and songs that people sing to you. Love is a good meal and being happy for no reason.  Love is when you smell good and people like to kiss you.”




Seamora my 29-year-old blue and gold macaw says, “Love is when I share my food with the wild birds and let them bathe in the fountain before me.  Love is definitely music and the sound of the wind through the trees.  Love is awesome.  If you think you don’t have it, you are wrong. It’s everywhere, you just have to notice it.”



Clyde my 4-year-old giant Flemish rabbit says, “Love is the energy that helps you manifest what you want.  Love is being grateful. It is carrot tops and lots of friends.   It’s when my mom laughs at me for being naughty instead of scolding me.  It’s also when she takes the time to explain why she needs me to be good. Love is clear communication and patience. It is also enjoying a ripe banana.”



Jubilee my 8-year-old appaloosa warmblood horse says, “Love is having a best friend you can trust in all situations.  If you get it wrong, they may get it right. Love is knowing yourself and being brave enough to trust others, even if someone has hurt you in the past.  Love is jumping over tree limbs in the snow. Love is someone taking the time to scratch your butt with a rake even though their own back is sore.”


Hudson my almost 4-year-old white German Shepard says, “Love is traveling through the universe to find someone you love deeply.  Love is being grateful for what is around you. Love is much more than you think it is.  It’s what all things wonderful are created from. I also want to say love is chasing deer and squirrels, but my mom won’t like that one…. Mom said it may be the speed and sense of direct focus I like. Ohh… love is morning snuggles in bed. Those are the best.”





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