The Pet Psychic®

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This is Hedda. She was 11 years old when she died in the back of her mom’s car as she rushed her to the veterinarian. Often I can figure out what the animals have passed away from by hearing what they experienced before and during death and then comparing it to other animal’s experiences. I asked Hedda what she experienced. She replied, “When I died I felt my mom kissing my face and rubbing my ears telling me I am a good girl and this angel man reached into my body and pulled my soul to heaven. He said, ‘you have to come into my car.’ He had a big SUV. I didnt feel anything but that.”

Sometimes animals and humans do not feel any suffering when they die. the veil becomes so thin that their consciousness crosses over to Heaven very quickly. If we stroke their deceased body and talk to them, they often feel us as they travel to Heaven. I can not put into words how much this knowledge has comforted me over the years. The man may be an angel or one of her friend’s or ancestors who have passed.

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