Hudson came to me at 10 weeks old. I bought this crate for him to grow into. He slept in it for only one night. He never had an accident in the house nor chewed anything. He didn’t need it. He was perfect!
When we got the foster Bradley Cooper, Bradley needed the crate at feeding time otherwise he would bug the other dogs for their food. So I pulled it out from the garage and set it up.
For weeks, Hudson didn’t give the crate any attention. Then one day, I see him in it smiling.
Hudson says, “It’s a comfy cove to get away from Bradley. I think I’ll stay here for awhile.” And that he did. This crate is a taking a break from Bradley cove.
I should mention Bradley is obsessed with Hudson. He can be the annoying little brother. So I totally get it. I can also tell Hudson loves Bradley.