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I Love You Serafina

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Today my sweet Serafina crossed the Rainbow Bridge.

We had to help her go. It was too sudden for me, but she was ready.
Before she left she told me she saw my grandmother with a can of fish, the vet tech’s who put in her catheter hands were “lined with angels’ gold”, sparkles of light, and of course Makia, Joey and Stormy (deceased family animals). She told me she felt very comfortable with the people helping her as if they were good old friends. Thank you, Dr. Jill and all the wonderful vet tech staff at Ohana Pet Hospital for making such a sad experience bearable.

After the finial injection, I felt her rap her energy around me and say, “I am leaping. I am leaping.” Something she has felt too nauseous and dizzy to do for a while. When at home crying I heard her say, “mom, don’t cry. I am in all your love here. I know how much you love me and its so much. It is so beautiful. It surrounds me. If you ever felt I didn’t know how much you loved me I know. I know. It’s so beautiful.” I often wondered if my animals truly know how much I love them. When I have so many it at times feels hard to spread my love equally. Her words and comfort meant a great deal to me.

Before we left the house to go to Ohana Pet Hospital Luca my poodle asked, “Is this the last time I will see her?” I told him, “No honey, we are going to make her better.”
They did get to say goodbye at a distance, but when Luca saw her body he was so upset he threw up. Lying in bed with me he asked, “Mom, what do I do with all these feelings?”
I told him to sit with them, feel them, speak to her in spirit and run them off at the barn.

Bean my bunny was so sad she jumped onto Serafina’s body. I put her outside to run around for while and when I brought her in she told me, “Serafina’s spirit peered at me through the weeping bamboo and told me to get well so you have a small furry animal to cuddle with.
Seamora my parrot heart instantly hurt. She’s been on her best behavior. Felix says he remembers the last time he died and he doesn’t like to think about it. Hudson is extra goofy trying to make me smile. He is succeeding.

Serafina loved to hike miles with us. She learned to just tease the birds and that our property is a no kill zone. She became good friends with a squirrel- who I am sure she is meeting in Heaven. Serafina is famously known for being the nurse kitty. She diligently and compassionately watched over Maia, Joey, and Makia before they died and Bean when she was sick. She is known for being the “eco kitty”. She once told my friend who needed a new job to “sell and take care of water because everybody needs it.” She slept every night right next to my head and above Luca. She always greeted me upon my arrival home. I am going to miss my little angel.

Fly high sweet Serafina.

I love you and miss you so much already.

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1 thought on “I Love You Serafina”

  1. Laura, I am so sorry to hear about Serafina leaving this life .. May her spirit stay with you and comfort you always. Love & Light ?✨

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