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Making Wishes into Realities


Creating an intention for the behavior we want in an animal is extremely important

Intention is an active process. It creates a clear image in our mind and feeling in our body. It is an active, forward-moving process. It is visualizing exactly what we want and then moving persistently toward it.

For instance, if I would like a dog-aggressive dog to walk past a fenced yard that contains other dogs, I would create the clear intention of myself holding myself straight and confident while walking my dog, as she licks, blinks her eyes, and ignores the dogs behind the fence. I would hold this image strong before and during the walk past the fence.

If one falters and begins to succumb to anxiety or insecurity, the momentum of intention wavers. The images in your mind, the feelings in your body quickly disintegrate into a disorganized scramble of pictures and emotions. It takes only a moment before animals notice this change. This alone can make them fall to pieces. Perhaps aggressive dogs will start to lunge, your scared animal will start to shake or try to flee, and everyone will start to feel disconnected from each other and confused about what is safe and what is not safe.

We must be conscious of our intention at every moment. That will bring peace and positive action. We must also explain to our animal what our intention is and that we want them to join in on the creation. That way both parties are actively moving toward the same image of intention.

Here my animals talk about intention:



Makia, white cat, whose name means Energy Flows Where Attention Goes in Hawaiian. She says, “Intention brings happy surprises because the animal feels safe following the clear thought of someone they trust.”


Seamora, blue and gold macaw, says, “If someone has a bad intention around animals, it can haunt animals for a very long time. It can make them disturbed for many years. So please create good intentions for all animals.”



Bean, black bunny, says, “Sometimes people have intentions that go against an animal’s natural behavior. I think that people should study animal behavior so that they know how to create an intention properly.”



Stormy, Aussie dog, says, “Some animals have their own intention. So it is important to talk to them in a quiet environment and explain your intention and why you have it so that the animal can start to understand what is right action and what is instinct that may not be appropriate.”



Luca, poodle, says, “Sometimes I get excited, and I think a lot of different things. When you have clear intention, it is easier for me to understand what you want of me. But if your intention is not clear, then it is harder to be well behaved. “


Serafina, gray cat, says, “I have a lot of really good ideas. You have to pick one idea and focus on it. When you focus on that one idea, then it feels like a reality before you even practice it. I do this sometimes when I want Makia to lie peacefully next to me or if I want to jump on something high up.”



Jubilee, Appaloosa Sport Horse, says, “Intention is something that you always want to have a positive feeling in your body. It helps to have a good picture in your mind of what you want of yourself.”

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