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Jubilee Comes Home

A Heart-to-Heart Talk

Living Together

Saturday, March 2, 2013

During a meditation course, I had a vision of myself jumping a dark bay horse with white spots on her behind.  Six months later, I decided to look for the horse and logged onto  There she was.  A 2.5-year-old appaloosa filly sport horse.  I have a friend named Michal to whom I turn for all things horsey.  Just my luck, this little filly lived in Oregon 15 minutes from Michal.

I am now the person of a very tall (16.2 hands, and growing), athletic, graceful, and very sweet horse.  Her name is Jubilee.

Here I ask Jubilee about her life.

Laura: How do you feel about your life now?

My life is very different than it was before.  Now I am in a big pasture with four other horses.  They tell me what to do a lot and I don’t like that.  I like to tell myself what to do.  (She is the youngest, with the lowest status in the herd).  But I like to be able to be with them and walk so much.  I walk a lot now and I feel strong in my body.  I feel my body is different.  I notice that I can tell where there are holes in the ground from a distance.   It looks darker and deeper – different than a shadow.”

What do you think about your relationship with me?

I feel happy to see you when you come.  I feel like you teach me things that I never knew about humans.  You teach me to pay attention to their thoughts and also to think things through. I think a lot when I am with you.

Your previous owner did a really good job of teaching you things.  Is there anything you want to say about your old life in Oregon?

She taught me a lot. She always had a plan of what we were going to get done together and that made me feel safe and smart.  She really liked me.  She thought I was beautiful and I am happy for her and my old friends there.  I miss Jelly Bean [filly Jubilee has known since she was a baby] a lot.  I wish she were here.  This place would do her good because she would be able to use her body more.  She doesn’t get to use her body a lot. [Jubilee now is in pasture that is acres large, and in Oregon there is lot of ice on the ground at this time of year.]

What do you see our future as?

I don’t think about the future a lot because there is so much to think about in the present.  But when I really think about it, I think that we will be jumping and I will be moving with really fancy steps.  I feel like you are going to teach me something that not very many horses get to do.  I am not sure what it is yet though.  I also see the ocean and the waves and beach.  I think you will teach me to swim.  That sounds scary but also fun. [Yesterday, she wouldn’t walk through a puddle but she did play with that water in her trough.]

Did you know I had a dream of you before I found you?

Yes, because you told me.  I also had a dream of you.  That is why when I first saw you I came running over to you.

What was your dream?

I dreamed that you took me away in that big scary trailer and I came and met the horses I am out with now and you taught me cool tricks and you loved me forever.

Wow, that all will happen.  Sometimes I think you are my childhood horse Excalibur.  But then I am not sure.  What do you think?

I think that Excalibur was very lucky to have you in her life but then very sad to lose you. I think it broke her heart.

That is true and it broke my heart, too. You didn’t answer my question.

I am just remembering being on the other side and not knowing if I would come back to life because I didn’t want it to be hard.  I remember seeing you and feeling really happy and really sad at the same time.  I remember other horses telling me it is okay, and that they will go with me and stay with me during life.  I remember saying okay, if life will be easy.  And here I am, but living in the herd is not always easy.  Sometimes it is confusing.  But it is not sad.

The horses you are talking about are Deacon, a thoroughbred, and Lovebug, a pony.  They lived with Excalibur at our farm.  I also had a vision of them coming with you to meet me.  Are they with you now?  Do you not know them well?

They are with me when I think of them.  They are with me when I get scared or I feel alone, when the herd sends me a way. I feel them.  Maybe I do know them better than I think.  I will have to go back in my memories.

Jubilee, I am so happy you are with me.  I will always be kind to you.

I believe you.  I wish that you could tell the rest of my herd that you will take care of them forever.

I wish that too, Jubilee.  We just have to envision them safe, happy, and loved for their lifetime.  And that will be what they attract.

Then don’t worry about them.  Because when you worry about them we worry.

OK, no worries. Only positive images and feelings of the future.

I am glad.


Reincarnation is extremely complex.   For the past few years, I have been studying it extensively.  Animals reincarnate back into their humans’ lives more often than one would expect.  They do not always have the same temperament or characteristics as in their previous lives because they continuing evolving and growing on the other side (Heaven).

What fascinates me is that some animals remember their past lives but others do not.  We humans are the same way.  I believe that a part of enlightenment is bringing the awareness of our past lives along with the best of us into our present lives.

Right now, I am not 100% percent convinced that Jubilee is Excalibur, though I will say having Jubilee in my life is healing the past trauma of loosing Excalibur.

Something divine brought Jubilee and I together.  I know this because it all fell together so easily.  The dream, knowing when to look for her, her being near my friend in Oregon, her previous owner holding her for me while it took me three weeks to get there, the shipping, and finding a farm with pasture to keep her.  That alone is a miracle to me.  I am excited to see where this adventure leads.


Jubilee and I on the day  she became part of my animal family.
Jubilee and I on the day she became part of my animal family.
Ojai – First Day Out To Pasture With The Herd
Jubilee & Jose


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