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Kunju Reincarnates











The first picture is Kunju.  She died at 6.5 years old on July 13, 2018. The second picture is also Kunju who is now a few months old.

On Sept 1, 2018 we spoke to Kunju in Heaven.

Some of the things she said are, “I want to tell them that I fell into Heaven sort of like the feeling of falling in love. It was hard for me to let go, but when I did it felt like chasing a ball or that feeling of rolling on the grass….I want to tell them that I do want to reincarnate back to them but not for a long time. I am enjoying being here. I’m in a feeling of great love.”

On March 29, 2019 Her family had another session with me. They wanted to know if their new puppy is a reincarnation of Kunju.

I have studied reincarnation for many years now. Often our very special animals come back to us life after life. Each time they do, the process is effortless. There are often many coincidences, feelings of grace and astonishment, wait what questions, and physical signs around the finding of the animal. It is always miraculous.

There are many different types of reincarnations with different degrees of holdings of memories of the past life.

This new puppy is also named Kunju. When I reached out to Kunju in Heaven her and the new puppy felt one and the same.   I asked her if she is back in body. She replied,

“Of course. I made it happen. I belong with them and I didn’t get enough time with them so now I have more time.”

She had many memories of her past life. She remembers sleeping on the bed with her people (something she is not allowed to do yet because she is so young) and she remembers that she had more freedom than the other dogs in the family.   She remembers being allowed to go out in the front yard with now leash.  They were other memories as well.

Her people shared with me two signs that they had before her return.  The mother of the family dreamt that they found Kunju again near a wooded area.  When they drove to the breeders home (a town they had never been before), they passed this same wooded area that was seen in the dream.

When they picked up the puppy she was wrapped in a maroon colored blanket.  Kunju in her life before had also been wrapped in a maroon colored blanket from a different breeder.

These are little signs from the universe that she is back again.  Often finding our animals reincarnated is a miraculous treasure hunt.

After the session Kunju’s people wrote:

💛 Laura is phenomenal! She has a beautiful heart and soul. 

After the loss of our sweet girl Kunju to hemangiosarcoma at only 6.5 years old, Laura gave us peace of mind speaking with her and letting us know she is no longer in pain and happily running around in Heaven. Laura let us know that Kunju wanted to reincarnate and come back to us so we watched for the signs that would allow us to find her again. We are so lucky and fortunate to say that we have found our Kunju reincarnated, and Laura was able to confirm that for us! 

Thank you so much! We are forever grateful to you.



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