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This is Coco. She is seven years old. She is a rescue dog.

She told me to tell her people, “I want to tell my mom that I love her and I like my life. You can tell my dad, ‘if you know me now then I can know you now and we can be friends. If I growl at you, know that I am growling at the man with the yuckie ties.”

Coco is talking about having post traumatic stress. Sometimes when she growls at her dad she is in a past trauma with the memory of another man (with yucky ties. Haha)

She is so brave and smart when she says they can know each other now. She means that when she is aware of the present moment she feels like her and her new dad are friends. She is so lucky to have her people, a new life and a future that is better than she ever thought was possible. Happy surprises .

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