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Seamora says thanks for the well wishes! She is doing well. Her broken leg is healing! She has to wear this cone for one month. She has been such a good girl. She is not destroying this cone like she did two others. Must be the flowered duct tape! She is eating well. She has been very quiet. Not her usually vocal self and sleeps a lot. Her leg is still in some pain. She doesn't put much weight on it but it's healing and it looks clean and healthy. No infections where the pins go into the leg. She's doing great! ️ Dr. Molnar mentioned that because Seamora lays a lot of eggs her bones did not have enough calcium. So they are weak and brittle. She is now on a calcium supplement. Something to think about if there are parrot owners with frequent egg laying birds.

Seamora says thanks for the well wishes! She is doing well. Her broken leg is healing! She has to wear this cone for one month. She has been such a good girl. She is not destroying this cone like she did two others. Must be the flowered duct tape! She is eating well. She has been very quiet. Not her usually vocal self and sleeps a lot. Her leg is still in some pain. She doesn’t put much weight on it but it’s healing and it looks clean and healthy. No infections where the pins go into the leg. She’s doing great! ️ Dr. Molnar mentioned that because Seamora lays a lot of eggs her bones did not have enough calcium. So they are weak and brittle. She is now on a calcium supplement. Something to think about if there are parrot owners with frequent egg laying birds.

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