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Laura Out And About

Jubilee is looking for a new living situation. Please Spread The Word! ️ Carpinteria / Hope Ranch/ Montecito/ SB County. I am looking for a safe pasture situation for my 3.5 year old Appy Warmblood. I would love her to have a friend in the pasture. I would like cover for her if it rains. Arena, tack room, wash stall all positives. No barbed wire. My ideal situation is to be around others who care about holistic horse care and the wellbeing of the horse. Trail access would be great. I would also like others to trail ride with since my mare is still young and feels most comfortable in company. ️ We really want to be somewhere special. Private or commercial barn. Many of you know how I am with my animals. It would be wonderful to be around like minded individuals. I am also a private respectful person - easy to have on ones property.  Looking forward to hearing from you. Laura Stinchfield ️

Jubilee is looking for a new living situation. Please Spread The Word! ️ Carpinteria / Hope Ranch/ Montecito/ SB County. I am looking for a safe pasture situation for my 3.5 year old Appy Warmblood. I would love her to have a friend in the pasture. I would like cover for her if it rains. Arena, tack room, wash stall all positives. No barbed wire. My ideal situation is to be around others who care about holistic horse care and the wellbeing of the horse. Trail access would be great. I would also like others to trail ride with since my mare is still young and feels most comfortable in company. ️ We really want to be somewhere special. Private or commercial barn. Many of you know how I am with my animals. It would be wonderful to be around like minded individuals. I am also a private respectful person – easy to have on ones property. Looking forward to hearing from you. Laura Stinchfield ️

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2 thoughts on “Laura Out And About”

  1. molla rosenberg

    Hi Laura,
    I was talking to a friend of mine at work, her name is Laura Fullilove and her family has a ranch called Island View Ranch in La Conchita, if you want to check it out… no pastures, though:( you can see their facebook page and check it out for Jubilee.
    I hope that you are well 🙂 xoxo Molla

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