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Seamora Update & Pet Psychic Radio Today! ️ Seamora is pictured here with her surgeon @drmolnardvm. Last monday the pins in her leg were removed aswell as her cone. Seamora was a little bit out of it for a week. She didn't move much or seem excited about her new freedom. She was in her own world. She told me she was still in pain. This week she is much better!!! She is perching a little bit and is able to grip slightly with the leg that was broken. She can't feed herself yet with that leg but yesterday I saw her scratching her head with it! She is doing awesome! Thank you @drmolnardvm and all Seamora's friends who have been praying for her! Next week she PET PSYCHIC RADIO LIVE THURSDAYS at 12 pm PST. call in line 917-889-2693 Listen Live at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/thepetpsychic Learn more at http://thepetpsychic.com/pet-psychic-radio Post Pictures at https://www.facebook.com/PetPsychicRadio The radio show for animals and their people. Animals Wanted - Dead or Alive. Ask or tell your animal anything. is back in her cage! ️️️

Seamora Update & Pet Psychic Radio Today! ️ Seamora is pictured here with her surgeon @drmolnardvm. Last monday the pins in her leg were removed aswell as her cone. Seamora was a little bit out of it for a week. She didn’t move much or seem excited about her new freedom. She was in her own world. She told me she was still in pain. This week she is much better!!! She is perching a little bit and is able to grip slightly with the leg that was broken. She can’t feed herself yet with that leg but yesterday I saw her scratching her head with it! She is doing awesome! Thank you @drmolnardvm and all Seamora’s friends who have been praying for her! Next week she PET PSYCHIC RADIO LIVE THURSDAYS at 12 pm PST. call in line 917-889-2693 Listen Live at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/thepetpsychic Learn more at http://thepetpsychic.com/pet-psychic-radio Post Pictures at https://www.facebook.com/PetPsychicRadio The radio show for animals and their people. Animals Wanted – Dead or Alive. Ask or tell your animal anything. is back in her cage! ️️️

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