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Teach Your Dog To Greet Nicely

You can teach your dog to greet people appropriately. The ideal way to communicate is, “Off. When you have all four paws on the ground, I am happy.” The imperfect way to communicate is, “Don’t Jump. You are bad and I am angry. Don’t jump.” Notice the difference. The ideal way creates a feeling and image of what we desire and the ideal situations. The imperfect way creates confusion and insecurity. Animals do not understand “Do not” or “Don’t.” All they understand is the feeling and images you are sending them. More about Animal Communication: http://thepetpsychic.com/services/animal-communication/

You can teach your dog to greet people appropriately.

The way you say it matters!

The ideal way to communicate to your dog is, “Off. When you have all four paws on the ground, I am happy.” Try to visualize your dog’s good behavior and really feel your happiness. Send that image and feeling to your dog.

The imperfect way to communicate to your dog is, “Don’t Jump. You are bad and I am angry. Don’t jump.”

Notice the difference. The ideal way creates a feeling and image of what we desire, the ideal situation.

The imperfect way creates confusion and insecurity.   Animals do not understand “Do not” or “Don’t.”  Whether you mean to or not you are picturing your dog jumping while sending your dog the feeling of disorder and confusion.  You are asking him to do the opposite of what you want.

Speak in the positive and your visuals and feelings will change.  Remember animals understand the feeling and images you are sending them.

To read more about Animal Communication go to: http://thepetpsychic.com/services/animal-communication/

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