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Stormy Answers – How to help zoo animals


Ann Von Wahlde Fink from FB #AskStormy, “I feel very sorry for the animals in zoos and try to visit them on quiet days when I can send them loving thoughts. Sometimes I picture them playing in the wild and send them love. Is there anything people can envision or think to give caged animals some happiness?”

StormyAnswers, “I feel what you are already doing is very beneficial. Also you can think of the animals and tell them that many people are fighting for their welfare. That people love them and are trying hard to preserve their species in the wild. My mom & I tell the elephants to imagine themselves in sanctuaries where they have a lot of space to roam. So perhaps they will manifest this for themselves. I also like to tell them not to be scared to die and what I believe Heaven to be like. If they have good caregivers we also tell them to over exaggerate any physical issues that they have so their caretakers know and can help them. For the really stressed animals it is extra important that we call in the angels and surround them in a great golden light. You can say to the animals, “It’s important to be strong and to believe that your heart can be well in what ever situation you are in. To breathe, take in the moment and to accept all the love that is coming your way. To be the best you can be and to know that happiness can overcome suffering. We must all pray together that suffering of all animals comes to an end. We are all love. We must be love.”

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