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Cat Savvy! Have a question about cats? Ask my cats, Makia & Serafina?  Makia is 19 years old, diabetic & in great health. She was rescued from the Santa Barbara County Shelter at 6 months old. She was a great tree climber in her day. She loves butterflies, Buddha statues and water fountains.  Serafina is 15 years old and in great health. I found her in the wilderness starving when she was around 5 years old. She was trying to catch a ground squirrel twice as big of herself. Serafina loves hiking, dogs of all sizes, and freeze dried chicken treats. If anyone is hurting, of any species, she is the first one to respond and will stay by their side until they are better. Ask these wise ones about cats!

Cat Savvy! Have a question about cats? Ask my cats, Makia & Serafina? Makia is 19 years old, diabetic & in great health. She was rescued from the Santa Barbara County Shelter at 6 months old. She was a great tree climber in her day. She loves butterflies, Buddha statues and water fountains. Serafina is 15 years old and in great health. I found her in the wilderness starving when she was around 5 years old. She was trying to catch a ground squirrel twice as big of herself. Serafina loves hiking, dogs of all sizes, and freeze dried chicken treats. If anyone is hurting, of any species, she is the first one to respond and will stay by their side until they are better. Ask these wise ones about cats!

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