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Stormy’s Birthday

stormy 15









It’s Storm King’s Birthday today!

This morning I told him that he was born from his doggie mommy 15 years ago and reminded him of the house we used to live in in Ridgefield, Ct.

There was pond in the front yard and a lake in the backyard where he learned to swim. We shared memories of games of stick tug a war with my late wolfdog Maia, deer chasing, and gardening.

Then Stormy said,

“You know it’s not really 15 years ago that I have been born. My soul was born a very long time ago. I have lived many lifetimes and we have been together many times before. I am much older than 15 years”

Then he gave me one of his bright big eyes smiles. My sweet Stormy, Happy Birthday! You are loved by many!

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