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Stormy On Communicating With Animals

Stormy’s tips on communicating with animals on Pet Psychic Radio (13-Nov-2014):

“I gotta tell everybody something. If you have a problem talking to your animal, go take a shower and then come back and try again. It makes a lot of sense if you take the time ’cause your animal will understand you.

And I have to tell you all about hearing them. Sometimes you’ll feel like ‘I’m so confused and bad at this.’

Every now and then you’ll be like ‘Oh my God, I got it.’ And when you’re like that, your relationship with your pet gets deeper.

And then you realize that the thoughts you think and that the pictures you put in your head create the life that you desire. And that’s so important. So if you think bad things, your animal and your Self will feel like you’re in muck. So don’t think bad things, think only happy thoughts.

And know that I love you ’cause I’m Storm King, the star of the show.”

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6 thoughts on “Stormy On Communicating With Animals”

  1. #mypup #stormy #petpsychicradio #petpsychic #myman #thebestdogintheworld #imalover #im15 #iamloved #iam15 #communicatingwithanimals #aussie #australianshepherd #happythoughts #bestfriend

  2. Stormy, you always speak to my heart! I was just about to give up understanding my animal friends and now I’m going to keep trying. You are such a marvel at knowing what we all need to hear at just the right time. Blessings to you!

  3. Storm King, your sagacity is exceeded only by your good looks and charm. Thank you for your wise words – I didn’t realize my negative thoughts could affect my animal friends. We really ARE all connected!

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