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Felix and Stormy The Reiki Master

Felix knew he was next in the tub and he thought Stormy would save him. Stormy knows better - they all needed a bath. Notice how Stormy's right eyes is gooky. He had a large growth on his eye lid. It was starting to hurt his eye. The night of the baths, I reminded Stormy that long ago I gave him the Reiki symbols to be a Reiki Master. We fell asleep dreaming of Reiki. The next morning, the growth was gone! Disappeared, fell off, healed....gone! That's my Stormy!

Felix (the chihuahua) knew he was next in the tub and he thought Stormy would save him.

Stormy knows better – they all needed a bath.

Notice how Stormy’s right eye is gooky. He had a large growth on his eye lid. It was starting to hurt his eye.

The night of the baths, I reminded Stormy that long ago I gave him the Reiki symbols to be a Reiki Master. We fell asleep dreaming of Reiki.

The next morning, the growth was gone! Disappeared, fell off, healed….gone! That’s my Stormy!

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