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This is the Spirits of the land's house at the Jim Thompson house in Bangkok, Thailand. The Thai people believe that when you build a house you disturb the spirits that live on that piece of land. So they build the spirits a tiny house on the property and offer the spirits food, water, and flowers daily- in gratitude. I saw the Spirits of my deceased grandparents here in the main house of Jim Thompson. They visited this house many years ago on vacation. Sometimes the spirits of our ancestors will join us on trips. Sensitive / empathic people & children can pick moments like this up. I am more sensitive than most. • Laura Stinchfield @

This is the Spirits of the land’s house at the Jim Thompson house in Bangkok, Thailand. The Thai people believe that when you build a house you disturb the spirits that live on that piece of land. So they build the spirits a tiny house on the property and offer the spirits food, water, and flowers daily- in gratitude. I saw the Spirits of my deceased grandparents here in the main house of Jim Thompson. They visited this house many years ago on vacation. Sometimes the spirits of our ancestors will join us on trips. Sensitive / empathic people & children can pick moments like this up. I am more sensitive than most. • Laura Stinchfield @

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