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First Rain Of The Winter

Luca my poodle and Stormy my Aussie and Felix my Chihuahua in the stroller. We (Southern California) finally got some rain today! I loved it! When Stormy was growing up, I also had a wolf dog named Maia. WolfDogs and Aussies need tons of exercise. Rain or shine. We would hike hours in the rain. They dived in puddles like young children. They chased coyotes and deer through the woods. They got so dirty I would have to hose them off afterwards. We loved it! It's such a different feeling having the poodle and chihuahua. They would of been happier staying on the couch. They jumped timidly over the puddles and tried to duck under awnings and trees for cover. Stormy even would of been happier to stay home. A part of me is relieved to have an excuse not to walk the dogs for an hour twice a day but another part misses the smell of the rain and the pure joy of watching a working dog and a wolfdog enjoying a rainy day hike. Either way, I am grateful for what is. Happy Rain!

Luca my poodle with Stormy my Aussie and Felix my Chihuahua in the stroller.

We (Southern California) finally got some rain today! I loved it!

When Stormy was growing up, I also had a wolf dog named Maia. WolfDogs and Aussies need tons of exercise. Rain or shine. We would hike hours in the rain. They dived in puddles like young children. They chased coyotes and deer through the woods. They got so dirty I would have to hose them off afterwards. We loved it!

It’s such a different feeling having the poodle and chihuahua. They would of been happier staying on the couch. They jumped timidly over the puddles and tried to duck under awnings and trees for cover. Stormy even would of been happier to stay home.

A part of me is relieved to have an excuse not to walk the dogs for an hour twice a day but another part misses the smell of the rain and the pure joy of watching a working dog and a wolfdog enjoying a rainy day hike. Either way, I am grateful for what is. Happy Rain!

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