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Seamora And The Pitbull

Seamora my parrot fought a Pitbull!

You all remember in her in that tree? Well yesterday she climbed into the neighbors yard. I was on the phone with a client when Luca and Felix came running into the office frantic telling me what was happening. It took me a bit of time to get over there and when I did the pitbull had Seamora in her mouth and Seamora was fighting! I screamed “leave it” and the pitbull dropped Seamora charged me as I was trying to open the gate. Then I had one of those moments when I was so glad I was a pet psychic! I told Seamora, “come towards me. I know it’s in the direction of the pitbull but it need you to come close so it’s easier to get you. Come to me and find a place to climb high.” And Seamora started running in my direction to the table and chairs. The dog turned to Seamora and ran towards her. I shook the gate and then he turned back at me. I scanned the environment and found a hose. I ran and grabbed it and turned it on the pitbull. He ran away and charged me and then ran away again. I was able to get in the yard and Seamora stepped right up on my leg! Seamora is a tough bird and I’m thankful for her aggressive nature sometimes! Her vet @drmolnardvm said it was like us taking on a tiger and called her a KungFu Master! She had a few wounds but is going to be just fine! Yeah! Another of Seamora’s adventures!


I should say that the Pitbull was really a good boy. He could have done so much more damage. I did speak to him and he wanted to protect his prize (Seamora) and also wanted to protect his property. He was just doing his job. But when I called Leave it. he listened to me. I was actually proud of him. He could have done so much worse damage to Seamora. I tried to talk to him about letting me in the yard to get Seamora but he was not having it. It is his job not to let strangers in and he was not comfortable with me coming in at all. But he was a good boy when I took the hose to him. He was just confused. Sometimes people think that just because I can talk to the animals I can tame them all instantly. Maybe that will happen in the future. I may have to add a few more hours of meditation to my day. But maybe one day

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