The Pet Psychic®

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This is Annie. She died on December 24th 2005 at the age of 14.

From Heaven she says, “I want my mom (person) to know that I have never been afraid in heaven. I have never felt a deep sadness here. I have always felt a love engulfing me. The night that I died I felt you standing beside me and we were not in the hospital we were in that courtyard (backyard). I could hear the street in the background but I also heard the sounds of nature and you were whispering to me that it was OK for me go. I want you to know that here in heaven I often come to you and lie with you and tell you that we are a lot a like. We sometimes dont give all of ours elf in fear that all of our self will not be enough but I want you to know that I always felt safe with you. I too want to come back to you but in many many years from now. In a time when you only want one dog. I am learning how to be more exuberant. Grandma is with me and we travel together. We have been traveling all over the world and we drive around in a fancy two door car but i fit perfectly in the back seat. we drive all over the universes. I want to tell you that I am like a mother figure here. All the animals that I have known and have died come to me and rub up against me and I show them around. I take care of them all. I want you to know that I sometimes see my old dad. and he has pains in his stomach and he cries out sometimes and I try to go to him and soothe him. I want you to know mom that everything is going to be ok. in your life. you are on the right track. I want you to know that. I want you to know that there are many spirits that are watching over you. We help guide you. I want you to know that I love you. With all my heart and all my being. I love you. mom, you have so much compassion for others. so much eager to help others. I want you to know the universe feels it and will be kind to you in return. mom, I am your guardian. I will always look over you. Know that I am like a great being of love and I will never let you feel alone. never. thank you for everything you ever gave me. I am your guardian now. mom, when I come back to you. you will feel like it is easy and we will be home together but it will be when you are very old.”

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