The Pet Psychic®

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turbo deceaesed 1











This is Turbo. He was 9 years old when he passed away. I am blessed to be able to connect people with their loved ones on the other side.

After our session Turbo’s person writes, “This was a great closure for me to speak with my boy, Turbo. He left suddenly on Christmas eve with a hard tumor blocking urine flow to/from kidney and urethra. After holding the session with Laura, I learn that the mantra I repeated, the written mantra and recitation led my boy to Buddha path. I learn that Turbo was able to meet the spiritual teacher that I have been in contacted in my life time. Most importantly I learned that Turbo was learning from me in a Buddhist perspective to help people and that he has successfully reached Buddha path with my deep meditation and recitation. Understanding that Turbo had a great life and the kind soul that he was, this session meant so much more to me. I’m so glad to have this session with Laura and thank you for helping me have this closure. I will always know Turbo is well and be full of bliss of happiness that fills his body. Thank you Laura for your psychic ability. I look forward to future sessions.”

I am so gratefully for my life’s work and it’s meaning to others. It surprises me everyday.

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