This is Luca my poodle. Tonight we had this conversation: Me: Luca, you need a bath. Do you want to die your Mohawk again? Luca: Yes! Me: What color? Luca: “Green…Bright Green” We had previously been thinking about doing Army green or camo colors. Me: Bright Green? Why? Luca: So the horses at the barn think I’m cool! Me: laughter! It’s so funny because the horses are fascinated with Luca. They are mostly the breed Paso Fino which have these really beautiful gaits that remind me of dancers. The dogs and I walk around the pastures (which are a bright green and the lengthy of Lucas Mohawk!). The horse always are curious of Luca following him around, sniffing him, running away, coming back to watch him. They watch him more than Luca, Stormy and myself. I guess Luca’s Mohawk will be Bright Green. Stay tuned. More at:
#Luca #petpsychic #mohawk #poodle #timeforabath #adogslife #bestbuddy #barnlife #barndog #ranchdog #showpoodle #showpoodlegonewild