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KONA is looking for a new home. He is presently in Santa Barbara, Ca. If you are interested email me at and I will get you in touch with his person. His person writes,

KONA is looking for a new home. He is presently in Santa Barbara, Ca. If you are interested email me at and I will get you in touch with his person. His person writes, ” Kona is a purebred (he has his papers), bronze, neutered, indoor only (declawed in front) Egyptian Mau born 12/04/04. I have had him his entire life. Four years ago I got a rescue dachsund. She treats him like prey and chases him around the house and bites his neck and shakes him. He is afraid of her and lived up on the shelf on which the TV is placed. He’s afraid to be down on the floor with her. Two months ago my other boy Mau cat died of a sudden intestinal lymphoma. Kona is so lonwsome and without him. He can’t come to me for comfort since the dog will chase him and attack him. Last week was the final straw when the dog went up and pulled him to the floor off of his safe shelf, and shook him by his neck. I have had him locked in the guest room away from her since. This is no way for this beautiful, peaceful kitty to live. He is scared to use the litter box or get a drink of water if the dog is around. He was pooping on his safe shelf sometimes. It’s a lot worse since Kai died since Kona is all by himself now. As much as I love this cat, this is not a good live for him. He’s too stressed. He would do well in a home without a ot of scary, rapid movement. He will cuddle wity you all night long and purr. He’s free to a good home and just had his annual vet check up and vaccinations (rabies and FLV). He comes with food, a bed, a carrier, a litter box and scoop, litter.”

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