The Pet Psychic®

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This is Dozer at 10 months old with his person.

Dozer talked about a past life and said,

“I know that one time I had another life and my mom (person) and I we had lots smiles together. We were good friend and my dad he was this man that always loved my mom but he had to win my moms heart and every day he brought her flowers until she said yes.”


Testimonial from Dozer’s person: I have spoken with Laura twice now. My first experience was when my little man Rocky passed away last year and now to talk to my new pet Dozer to try and figure out some behavioral issues!

I am always blown away by the things that she can tell me, most of which only the pet and I would know!!

She has helped me through grief, which not only made things a little easier but also gave me the gift of being able to talk to him and let him know how much he was loved. And she has helped me now to find out a few issues that can now be addressed that I would have not known otherwise!

She is such an amazing person to talk to always making you feel so welcomed!

If you are questioning if you should make an appointment or not I strongly suggest you give her a try and I’m sure you will be just as blown away as I always am! I have no doubt that Laura and I will be having many more sessions!! I will never be able to show her how grateful I am for all that she does!

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