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This is Nina. She died on Feb 4, 2007 at 15.5 years old.

She said from Heaven, “I have to tell my mom (person) that life is super fun here. It’s like a roller-coaster with hamburger meat, fries, ice cream and even potatoes salad. It’s so good here. I have this fun time where I run in the snow so fast after bunny rabbits and then latter on in the day go swimming where the water is so warm and then I sleep on a bed that is like your bed with a cozy comforter and your smell. Your grandma sometimes puts me on a leash and she laughs because she has to wear roller blades and your grandma is having so much fun because we go to an old boardwalk that she knew (you?) as a child and watch the sailboats.

I am so awesome. in my awesomeness. Yeah I am going to come back to you too. You are going to be like no way that little one too. I am not sure what I will look like but my forehead will look familiar and you will be like wow that is such a little feisty puppy and I will be like peeing on things and they will be frustrated with me but I wont pee on your things.

I am also going to be really smart and if I try to jump and catch butterflies in my mouth don’t be upset it’s just a game.”

Her person commented after our session: Hi Laura, Please share what you think will be most valuable or entertaining for your followers. This cracked me up!!
I wasn’t expecting this at all from Nina…Nina had almost three different stages of her life and personalities…I got her as puppy and she lived until 15.5. This is very young Nina…I almost forgot about her…Nina as a puppy and young dog was fearless, confident, cocky, energetic, confident and FUNNY as well as loving and loyal which never changed…and BAD!! She was always taking things from Annie and then tried to look innocent, she would tell on Annie if she did anything wrong and would try to pin any damage on Annie by looking innocent and then looking at Annie. She’d steal stuff from purses without disturbing anything and you’d find it somewhere else, chewed up and once on a walk, without breaking stride, she plucked a rose from a pot outside a grocery story. She loved her food too. We had to put baby gates on the kitchen cupboards to keep her out but we had to take some off so we could get in and she found a way inside. She often got her head stuck in a box of cereal or cookies and had to be rescued.

My grandmother used to joke that you could tie Nina to wheels and have her pull you she was so strong and energetic. I forgot about that…as well as I grew up in Vancouver and there was a boardwalk close to our apt. that anchored boats etc. We used to go for nightly walks and read all the names on the boats and feed the ducks.
My biggest fear would be Nina and Trevor coming back at the same time…I guess that is why they will be little dogs as two full sized, young Nina and Trevor would do me in…I’d need therapy and medication to manage those two together. I’m glad she’s coming back. I wish she’d come back as her 10 to 15 year old self, though.


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