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Hudson and Honey at the Beach

Hudson turned 4 months yesterday. He is huge!  My friends are thinking he may grow to be over 100lbs!

First day at the beach! He met Honey today (top left picture). Honey and Stormy were good friends. When I asked Honey what she thought of Hudson she said, “Its amazing. I know it’s Stormy. I knew him right away. It makes me excited because now I know I can die and come right back into life. I’ll be a little dog because my person needs me and then I can travel on the plane.”   

Honey is an older dog. The whole time at the beach she kept expressing how excited she was to see Stormy back in a new body and her new hope of being young again. She’s such a sweetie!

Hudson says about his beach adventure, “I remembered it.  I was so glad to be there again. It was joy in my heart. I love the feeling of sand in my paws.”

I asked Hudson if he remembered Honey from when he was Stormy and if so what they talked about. 

He replied, “Of course I know Honey. I told her it is wonderful to see her and she should get a new body too. That it’s so nice to not have an old body in pain. But I also told her my teeth hurt and that this teething thing is a nightmare. It’s manageable though and mom said it won’t last too long.” 

 Ahhh I love that my Stormy is back!

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