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Shorty was 7 years old when he died on 12/31/15. He has a job in Heaven helping animals on earth. The “traveling vans” he mentions are the vans that transport rescue animals from one state to other rescue organizations in another state. Story explains his job,

Shorty was 7 years old when he died on 12/31/15. He has a job in Heaven helping animals on earth. The “traveling vans” he mentions are the vans that transport rescue animals from one state to other rescue organizations in another state.

Shorty explains his job, “Here in heaven I have gone on the traveling van and I have told all the animals that are traveling that they are going to be ok. I have told them that they are not going to die. I have ridden with them. I have gone to the traveling van and I have run around in circles and I have played and I have looked extremely happy and I have shown them how I was once fearful and how I died so happy.”

*He is teaching the rescue dogs that they can feel safe and that they can have a happier life than they presently know is possible. He shows them that he was once like them and then he shows them the love and safety he felt before he died.

His people write: Shorty was the sweetest dog and we miss him greatly. We were blessed to be able to give this wonderful dog the safe and comfortable life he deserved. He was a rescue from Southern California where he, at some point, was used as a bait dog and then ended up in a high kill shelter. We will be forever grateful to Luvable Dog Rescue for saving Shorty and transporting him on “the traveling van” to Oregon and for giving us the opportunity to know and love him. Although he is no longer with us we are happy to know that he is sharing his bright spirit with those dogs in need.

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